Best cleaning company in Calgary Alberta

Working hours : Mon-sat (8.00am - 6.00PM)

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mobile-icon Call to schedule your FREE quote!+(1) 403 830-2203
mobile-icon Call to schedule your FREE quote!+(1) 403 280 5033



05 Jan 2016

The cleaner that came with our commercial space lease did a terrible job. They started off doing a good job but then slacked off. Why? When the landlord offers it as part of the lease, it is not a high priority. JANICO CLEANING is good because cleaning is their business and their number one priority. Buying from them was easy and they are delight to deal with from the way they speak to me and job they do. They are the last cleaner I will ever hire.

John Doe NuMark Homes Ltd., Calgary


12 Feb 2016

Before hiring JANICO CLEANING, we had an independent cleaner and nothing was clean. When conducted a weekend inspection, we discovered we were paying for the hours but no one was doing the work. JANICO CLEANING made a good impression from the beginning. They provided a good proposal outlining what they would do every day, every week and every month and they did it. Hiring a cleaner is not fun but with JANICO CLEANING we feel like this is the last cleaner we will ever have to hire.

John Doe Great Alberta Transport Inc., Calgary


13 Mar 2016

The cleaner that came with our commercial space lease did a terrible job. They started off doing a good job but then slacked off. Why? When the landlord offers it as part of the lease, it is not a high priority.JANICO CLEANING is good because cleaning is their business and their number one priority. Buying from them was easy and they are delight to deal with from the way they speak to me and job they do. They are the last cleaner I will ever hire.

John Doe PCL Contruction Management Inc.


15 Mar 2016

They are also very responsive to our needs of additional service in a timely manner. Thank you for the service, creativity and support provided by JANICO CLEANING

John Doe The TDL Group Corp.

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